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Bethel’s Amazing Race

September 16, 2018

Fall is here and so is Bethel’s Amazing Race! This year we are opening it up to ALL adults and teens and not just to the Thrive group. Sign up your team of 4 in the foyer (or sign up individually and I will make up teams). The Race will take place on Sunday, Sept 16 for the afternoon concluding with a bonfire, wiener roast, snacks and of course, prizes in the evening at John and Alvina Goertzen’s place. Details of start time and location to be announced next week. Everyone is welcome to attend the bonfire and wiener roast (any time after 5:30), even if they are not part of the Amazing Race. Wieners, buns and beverages will be supplied, and we ask that you please bring a dessert to share.


September 16, 2018
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